Monday, April 1, 2013

Well the last five days in the hospital have gone well to say the least. However I haven't felt good enough to write anything - thus the delay in posts.

I was a little concerned the day of surgery when the anesthesiologist couldn't insert the spinal block. I guess he worked for 45 minutes and still couldn't get it inserted so they went with general anesthesia. He did leave a nice bruise on my back as a sign of his diligent effort. It made no difference in the surgery but I guess I was a piece of work in recovery. Fortunately I don't remember the pain. I've had femoral block catheters in both legs which deadens the nerves at the front of each leg. On a scale of 1-10 my pain level has been a 1. So I can't say how much I have been suffering here because I haven't. I woke up feeling chipper and talkative which was a sign to Marian that things weren't normal. HAHA! Thursday and Friday were good days. I actually got up an walked on Friday. Not a 5K or anything but I made it around the nurses station.

Saturday was a little different. I wanted to get up as my back was killing me. Kind of like that feeling you get when you've been on a long flight. Like a mule has kicked you in the coccyx. Still level 1 pain in the knees, but level 8 pain in the butt! I tried to stand and stretch and made it as far as the door to my room but had to circle back for an emergency landing. The gyro was spinning out of control and the landing gear was blinking red on the console. Not a good start to the day. So Saturday was spent fighting the demons of discouragement.

I did get out for short stroll Saturday night so I ended on a positive note. Sunday the family came after Easter dinner; quite a crowd for this little room. They all had to make jokes about my fashionable bed-wear and my bad case of bed-head. I wouldn't have it any other way. They all wanted to see the "wound" so they took off the covers and the ice packs and the wrappings and the room was filled with oohs and aahs. Everyone wanted to be sure that my robe didn't get lifted too high. They moved it ever-so-gingerly like I was hiding a rattlesnake under there. HAHA! Of course they made more fun of my swollen knees and ankles and Dad's funny feet - They never stop; they are so easily entertained.

Marian has been a trooper through all of this staying with me far longer than I expected her to and doing some of the nurse chores. None of the nurses believe she is the mother of eight kids. I love you Marian Anne!

My Doctor and friend Kirt Kimball nailed the process. The nurses are all over it and the support from friends and family has been amazing. I feel guilty for stealing the prayers and well-wishes from those who are much more deserving and in worse straits than I am. My results will be positive and life-improving; not everyone here is so lucky. I do feel very fortunate.

I hope you all had a good Easter/Passover and have taken a moment to ponder the miracle of the Resurrection and Atonement and how each of you can personally take advantage of that in your life. His suffering for us was more than just for sin; it was for trials and tribulations of all manner. My love to each of you.

1 comment:

cvarchfan said...

Thanks for the link to your blog. I enjoy your sense of humor and positive attitude! Keep it up throughout your recover and you will love the results! My best to Marian!