Today on MSNBC there was an article entitled, "Immigrant rights groups rally across the U.S." Here is the link, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18411370/
While personally I harbor no ill-will to any specific group of people, I am troubled by the current situation. My opinions and convictions run deep. I decided to post a comment to that article which I am publishing here as well. I will let the article and my comments speak for themselves.
It appears that the people that "don't have the courage", to quote Angelica Salas, "to resolve a major situation", is not the American Congress. It is the illegals themselves who have chosen to break the laws and are now demanding Congress fix it for them. Sorry- it never worked that way for us in middle-America. I knew what the laws were, I chose to break them and now I want Congress to fix it for me!? What kind of logic is that? I came here illegally and therefore I have the right to engage in identity theft and use someone else's Social Security number illegally to obtain work? Boy Angelica, you're right, Congress better get right on that because there are currently no laws protecting all of us legal owners of Social Security cards. This issue will not be brushed under the rug during the upcoming Presidential campaign. This will be a huge issue. The silent majority will speak with a loud and unified voice with their votes. And that is a whole lot more than 12 million people! I hope we have a leader in the White House that will have the "huevos" (to coin a phrase) to man-up and deal with this head-on. Maybe true enforcement of existing laws would be a good start. This is the land of the free and it is for everyone. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, ..." is not exclusionary. As a citizen of this country I believe this inscription on our Statue of Liberty applies to all people. But just like at Ellis Island; get in line, sign up, do it right. Then there won't be a "major situation". What illegals fail to realize is that in large part, freedom in a true democracy is obtained first, by obedience to existing laws. Not willful disobedience and demanding change because the laws are not convenient. If that's not the case, then I am going to begin to seriously speed on the freeway and demand that Congress fix my tickets and give me and my people the right to speed!
- Richard Black, legal US Citizen.
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