Politics is not the first thing you would think Hank, Dale, Boomhauer and Bill are talking about in the alley while having a cold one. But like every other blue-blooded American it is not far from their lips. In fact one of Hanks favorite sayings is, "Nobody likes a knowitall who sits around talking about their genitalia." Do you think Hank was discussing politics when he made that statement? It caused me to pause and think, "Who would Hank Hill vote for".
So with some conjecture and analysis and a lot of tongue-in-cheek I will attempt to put a ballot in their hands and get them to speak out. It should prove to be interesting and potentially thought provoking. Hank and the boys have become American Icons. They are real, everyday people we all know. They are so believable to us that we think that we could drive down to Arlen and find them standing in the alley on a warm Texas evening. As for myself, I would love to stand there shoulder to shoulder holding my own cold one (in my case a Mountain Dew, although Hank besides beer probably only has Dr Pepper in the fridge) and join in the banter, challenge their political beliefs and get them to speak up and tell us what they think. My apologies in advance to creator Mike Judge.
So with some conjecture and analysis and a lot of tongue-in-cheek I will attempt to put a ballot in their hands and get them to speak out. It should prove to be interesting and potentially thought provoking. Hank and the boys have become American Icons. They are real, everyday people we all know. They are so believable to us that we think that we could drive down to Arlen and find them standing in the alley on a warm Texas evening. As for myself, I would love to stand there shoulder to shoulder holding my own cold one (in my case a Mountain Dew, although Hank besides beer probably only has Dr Pepper in the fridge) and join in the banter, challenge their political beliefs and get them to speak up and tell us what they think. My apologies in advance to creator Mike Judge.
Dale is the owner of "Dales Dead Bug" extermination service. Dale is a chain smoker and loves golf. He is a conspiracy theorist and believes government is out to get us. "Guns don't kill people. The Government does." Dale is paranoid. Dale is a card carrying member of the NRA. Golf and guns would make him a Republican but Dale trusts no one... "You really believe they landed on the moon?" Dale is a veteran. Dale supports the troops but most likely thinks we should drop the bomb because they eventually find the weapons of mass destruction. He voted for Bush but that not being an option he is leaning toward McCain the hawk. But POW's are pussies who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag so he is torn. Dale doesn't believe anyone is qualified to lead the country. He would vote for Oliver Stone if he could, because Oliver "gets it". He really wishes Cheney was running "cuz that ol' boy can shoot!

Hank would tell all of us to vote our conscience. He wouldn't argue with your choice, he would be happy that you exercised your right as an American citizen to vote. He would hope you would vote for people that would allow him to stand shoulder to shoulder with his best friends in the back alley, have a beer and have the freedom of speech to talk or complain about anything. I agree.
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