Thursday, January 3, 2008

Spoiling the Grandchildren

As much as Marian and I would like to have Grandchildren it's just not in the cards right now. We are jealous of our friends and peers that have graduated into Grandparenthood. As we all know we can only control a portion of our lives, and I at least, haven't even figured out what portion that is yet. I guess maybe what goes in my mouth and what comes out of my mouth.... but that's a subject for another blog.

For now we do our best at spoiling who we have. BRUCE!

We babysat Bruce a while back and only managed to get him snipped at by Pele our Lab and scratched in the nose by Calvin our gay cat which precipitated tears from Marian, a phone call to me at work and a visit to the Vet. (As Jack Nicholson said in the movie As Good As It Gets when he found himself crying and laughing at the same time after the return of Verdell to Simon his owner ... "Over a dog! Over an ugly dog!") Overall not a very successful over-niter at Grandma and Grandpa's. Maybe we need some more practice before the real one's come along.

Anyway. We spoil Bruce as best we can. When he is allowed to come over he gets more attention than our own kids.

To prove it here's Bruce's new Pajamas. A gift from "Grandma".


megan said...

Todd and I really enjoy reading your blog. I think that there have been a couple of times that we have laughed so hard that we almost wet ourselves

Natalie Black said...

Good grief! And you're concerned about the cat looking gay? Seriously, I can't wait to see what kind of stuff you buy for your REAL grandkids!

Hilary said...

No comment...except for maybe, nope, nevermind!