Every time I go into a C-Store, as they are now known, I see lines of people refilling their 32 to 44oz+ cups full of every variety of drink from Lemonade to Mountain Dew. (Guilty as charged!) Why do we do this? Don't we know this causes cancer in laboratory rats? Is this better than the old-school donut and coffee? I say no. The difference is, people only have one donut, maybe 2, and a cup, maybe 2 of coffee. Refill junkies suck on their straws all day long. That can't be good. You see office workers, road warrior salesmen and construction workers lined up to self medicate with the legal poison. The drinking paraphernalia runs the gamut from the custom silver cup with the fancy company logo to the bodacious "Dew-Bucket" that you have to put a seat belt around in order to carry in your car.
Where does it end? Are we going to end up with intravenous bags on our shoulders with a red straw inserted into our arm for the daily fix?
I QUIT!! I REALLY QUIT!! I don't want a Mountain Dew Logo on my headstone. And we thought biting our fingernails was a bad habit. I don't think anyone ever died from an overdose of fingernail biting. However I can see the title of a future article in the
New England Journal of Medicine,
"Refills - The Modern Killer Epidemic."I just walked around my office. Every desk has some form of refill cup sitting on it.
Not mine.
1 comment:
Haha, you and me both! I especially notice a difference in my skin when I drink less coke and more water... Too bad it just doesn't taste as good.
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