If I could choose to be any rock star it would be Don Henley. The music of the Eagles and Don Henley as a solo artist have been with me since my post mission days in the mid 70's. I only know Don Henley from the perspective of the music he writes, not on any personal basis as I don't make it a habit to read
People Magazine on a regular basis. His lifestyle like his music seem to be well-grounded. He's just himself, he doesn't push a particular "persona" as many rock-stars attempt. He doesn't seek a full-time relationship with the limelight, he just walks into it when he performs. He dated Stevie Nicks, nothing wrong with that! He plays the drums, keyboards and the guitar for a living; what a life! He has a fabulous acoustical guitar collection. His songs are true poetry. They set wonderful visual scenes and tell soulful stories of life and love - plus they actually have a melody. One thing I admire is his political activism, albeit he is a Democrat (That's OK, I'm married to one) Unlike most celebrities showing up in a parade in Washington D.C. seeking gratuitous media time to air their political spin, he uses his lyrics to state his cause and opinions. Just look up the lyrics for
The End of the Innocence for proof. He has 3 children and his wife has multiple sclerosis; but you wouldn't know that as he flies under the radar with his personal life. Besides, he's thin and looks good in a flannel shirt and Levi's. I rest my case!