I've stuck with my New Years resolutions; at least for a month now. That's about 29 days more than any other year! So let me tell you...
I've written no less than an additional 73 pages in my book (almost 18,000 words). I'm still only 1/3 of the way to completion of the first draft but making progress rapidly. The story is starting to fill out and the characters are driving the plot. I've been reading a book that Marian gave me for Christmas titled "On Writing" by Stephen King; yes, THE Stephen King. I affectionately call him Steve. I'm always telling Marian, Steve said.." or "Last night Steve pointed out...". The book has been very helpful - Thank you Marian, and thank you Steve.
Anyway, Steve says... "When you let the characters drive the plot instead of the plot driving and confining the characters you'll have a better story." I proudly admit that my characters are driving the plot in my book. I know the basics of the story but I don't know how I'm going to get there yet. My characters keep telling me where it's going. I spent 3 hours the other night writing a scene about a battle between an Egyptian merchant ship, on which my characters are passengers, and some pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. Yes, Pirates! There were pirates then too. I did my research, which Steve says is critical. It turned out pretty good. COCKADOODLEDOOOOOO! First crow.
Marian and I embarked on a diet January 5th (like Marian needs to look better!) It has been helpful doing it together. It was a little difficult the other night watching Keegan eat Five Guys Burgers and Fries in front of us but we held firm. The scale said down 21 lbs. this morning even though I still look like Foghorn Leghorn. COCKADOODLEDOOOOOO! Second crow.
You can throw rocks now. NO more crowing.
I'm proud of myself for sticking with it. I am looking forward to a night off on my birthday. Is losing a total of 30 lbs. and writing 100 more pages possible by then? We'll see if I can Stick With It!.