The Lord in his wisdom tells us... "But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words" Alma 32:27. Trust and believe me - obey. Or, go find out for yourself - disobey. Life is a combination of the two. Either way, if we are honest with ourselves about the outcome we will gain wisdom.
This Thanksgiving I am particularly grateful for the knowledge that I am truly a child of a living God. That He, as proof of his infinite wisdom, has given me freedom of choice.
If I am a truly a child of a living, loving God, what are my innate abilities and what should I be able to accomplish? The possibilities are unlimited. Unlimited if we view our lives in the eternal perspective. If we view ourselves strictly from a temporal perspective (the perspective that the adversary wants us to adopt) then we confront all sorts of limitations. A short person probably won't excel at basketball. A school teacher probably won't live in a mansion on the hill. Not all of us will be rich and famous. Not all of us will drive a luxury car, sport a 3 carat diamond ring or vacation on the French Riviera. The adversary would have us believe those things are the definition of heaven, Oh, I almost forgot... and looking "tight" in those True Religion jeans. Wow, that's a heaven reserved for less than a speck of humanity if that is the criteria for membership in the kingdom.
As a child of God I am only limited by my ability to make good choices. I have infinite power to do what is in my sphere to control. If I want to be thin I can choose to be thin. If I want to write a book, I can choose to write a book. If I want to be happy and make people around me feel better, I can choose to do so. I may never be a great basketball player..... but does it really matter?I choose to be better and do better. "Now ye may suppose that this is a foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass;..." Alma 37:6